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Pre-diabetics: What You Can Do To Prevent Diabetes
If you have diabetes in your family, you are at a high risk of developing type 2 diabetes overtime and being overweight increases that risk. Research already proved that losing a small amount of weight, by getting 30 minutes of physical activity 5 days a week and eating healthy, will help prevent diabetes. Here are some ideas for you to start today taking control of your health.
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Changing your eating habits
- Reduce portion sizes.
- Keep meat, poultry and fish servings to about 3 ounces (about the size of a deck of cards).
- Make less food look like more by serving your meal on a salad.
- Make your food more fulfilling by using more grains and fiber.
- Eat sensible meals, meaning combine a main dish such as a grilled meat or steam vegetables with salad and a fruit serving.
- Make sure you eat breakfast every day.
- Use broth and cured meats (smoked turkey and turkey bacon) in small amounts. They are high in sodium. Low sodium broths are available in cans and powder.
- Share your desserts.
- When eating out have a big vegetable salad, then split an entree with a friend or have the other half wrapped to go.
- Stir fry, broil or bake with non stick spray or low sodium broth and try to cook with less oil and butter.
- Drink a glass of water or other "no calorie" beverage 10 minutes before your meal to take the edge off your appetite.
- Select the healthier choice at fast food restaurants. Try grilled chicken instead of the cheeseburger. Skip the french fries or replace the fries with a salad.
- Listen to music while you eat instead of watching TV (people tend to eat more while watching TV).
- It takes 20 minutes for your stomach to send a signal to your brain that you're full. Eat slowly.
You don't have to cut out the foods you love to eat. Just cut down on your portion size and eat it less often.
Add more physical activity to your daily routine
- Show your kids the dances you used to do when you were their age.
- Turn up the music and jam while doing household chores.
- Deliver a message in person to a co-worker instead of emailing.
- Take the stairs to your office. Or take the stairs as far as you feel comfortable, and then take the elevator.
- Make a few less phone calls. Catch up with friends during a regularly scheduled walk.
- March in place while you watch TV.
- Park as far away as possible from your favorite store at the mall.
- Select an exercise video from the store or library.
- Get off the bus one stop earlier and walk the rest of the way home or to work at least two days a week.
Healthy food choices
- Snack on a veggies. Baby carrots, cucumbers and almonds are great low calorie snacks.
- Try eating foods from other countries. Many international dishes feature more vegetables, whole grains and beans and less meat.
- Cook With a variety of spices instead of salt.
- Drink water whenever you can. Ideally, you should drink at least 8 cups daily.
- Always keep a healthy snack with you.
- Read food labels. Choose foods with lower fat, saturated fat, calories, carbohydrates and salt.
- Gradually work your way down from whole milk to 2% milk to 1% milk until you're drinking and cooking with fat free (skim) milk.
- Log the food you eat for a week. It can help you see when you tend to overeat of eat foods high in fat or calories. helps you track your foods easily.
- Eat foods made from a variety of whole grains such as whole wheat bread, brown rice, oats, and whole grain corn every day. Use whole grain bread for toast and sandwiches.
- Don't grocery shop on an empty stomach and make a list before you go.
- Fruits are colorful and make a welcoming centerpiece for any table. Have a nice chat while sharing a bowl of fruit with family and friends.
Slowly but Surely
- Don't try to change your entire way of eating and exercising all at once. Try one new activity or food a week.
- Find, mellow ways to relax. An easy paced walk after dinner always helps.
- Give yourself daily "pampering time" and honor this time like any other appointment you make... whether it's spending time reading a book, taking a long bath, or meditating. You need time for you.
- Try not to eat out of boredom or frustration. If you're not hungry, do something else.
Your health is your most precious gift.
Source: Department of Health & Human Services - USA
Adapted by Editorial Staff,
July, 2005
Last update, July 2008