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Your Diabetes Checklist
When you have diabetes, there are things you need to do daily and periodically to make sure you are in good health and control. Here is a list you should keep handy — it will help you monitor yourself.
Things to do every day:
- Test your blood sugar and write it down in your logbook or use enter them or to upload them automatically.
- Check your feet.
- Follow your meal plan, if you do not have one select one from 's selection created by the best dietitians in the field.
- Take care of your teeth and skin.
- Take your medicines as directed.
Things to do at each doctor's visit:
- Take your blood sugar logbook with you or print your records from . Your data will help your doctor help you.
- Ask about your A1C level and determine your goal for your next visit.
- Have your doctor check your feet.
- Have your blood pressure checked.
Things to do once a year:
- Visit an eye doctor for a complete dilated eye exam.
- Have your cholesterol and blood fats checked (called a lipid screen).
- Have your urine checked for protein (called a microalbumin screen).
- Visit your foot doctor (podiatrist) for a complete foot exam.
Special information for sick days:
- Always take your insulin or diabetes pills with you wherever you go.
- Test your blood sugar before each meal and at bedtime.
- If you have type I diabetes, test your urine for ketones if blood sugars are greater than 250 mg/dl.
- Follow your meal plan. If you can't eat, you should try to drink a beverage with at least 4 oz. of a sugar every hour to keep your blood sugar from falling too low.
Call your doctor when:
- You are vomiting and unable to keep down foods, liquids or diabetes pills.
- Your illness lasts longer than 24 hours.
- Ketones are present in your urine.
- All blood sugars are higher than 250 mg/dl for more than one day.
Adapted by Editorial Staff, July, 2005
Last update, July 2008
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